Perfect Behavior Dog Training
Dog Training at Jay's
During Covid

My Rates
My Rates: how I work with clients at all levels:
Private individual one on one coaching and unique processes for owners and
their dogs to acquire and build behaviors to their highest level of finish.
Errorless house training
Pre-puppy arrival consultations, setting your home environment up for success deciding where puppies toilet will be.
Where their crate will be, learning how to journal to predict when they will have to eliminate and making a plan to get your new puppy to its inside - then outside - toilet in time to be successful.

Coaching owners to improve their training skills while simultaneously teaching the new puppies it's basic foundational skills that will enable it to learn anything.
Behavior consultations for reactivity, resource guarding and separation anxiety
As a Karen Pryor Academy Certified training partner . A member of the Pet Professional Guild and IAABC,I adhere to a very strict code of ethics. The code requires me to use only Force free minimally invasive scientific methods to develop the dog that fits into your lifestyle.
Since each animal is a study of one I specialize in customizing individual programs for each family and its members.
I am not a training company so all the training is done by me and by You. We start with an initial virtual consultation that takes about an hour and a half and the fee is $225 plus tax which allows me to exactly assess your needs, suggest initial Management and training steps, while not adding undue stress to your dog or your environment. I'm able to observe you and your dog and speak to you directly and coach you directly in real time.
Coaching is practiced in my yard on all skills for those that have never trained a dog before and are expecting a dog soon - you can even work my dog Domino to further help you understand communication cause and effect and to to avoid initial mistakes. The fee for those sessions start at $150 an hour but I will customize packages as needed for further savings.